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Teacher - Jane Eborall Level II Shuttle

Description: In this lesson the student will be encouraged to use a reverse join to make the block tatted candle. This may also be a new way of block tatting for the student. The candlestick is worked in three sections and I will also show how to finish leaving one end only to sew in in the base and candle.

Skills required: Rings and chains. See this page if you want to practice the reverse join beforehand.

Techniques taught: Block tatting using the reverse join to change direction. Self closing mock rings, split ring (dead spider method) if required.

Materials needed: Your own choice of three different colours of size 20 thread. For the base you will need two shuttles.

Pre-class preparation: Wind 2½ yards on Sh1, pull off a further 3 yards, cut from ball and wind onto Sh2 (CTM). For the candle you will need 1shuttle and ball. Wind 1 yard onto the shuttle and leave attached to ball. For the flame you will need 1 shuttle. Wind 1 yard onto the shuttle and leave an end of about 12”.

Kit: No.

Note: Please note – needle tatters will be welcome but I can only offer minimal help.

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